Sunday, December 11, 2022

Computer Network Systems - IPv4 Subnetting

My first post in a while - apologies for the long absence.  Since retiring, MJ and I woke up one day and decided that we needed to move back to South Dakota to be with family, so we took most of 2021 to do everything we needed to do to move.  2022 has been a year of getting settled, but since returning, some friends of mine twisted my arm to return to teaching IT stuff.  

Since going back to teaching computer networking topics, I have rediscovered how important it is to grasp the distinct number systems that are used by computers and computer networks.  I have also rediscovered that grasping conversions by these different number systems can be a little difficult.  We humans can easily understand our decimal number system of "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc." But computers and networks, however, only understand a "binary" system made up of "1's" and "0's."  And adding to the confusion, we often must express numerical values in another system called the "hexadecimal" system, made up of "0 - 9" and "A - F."

Understanding how these number systems are used is foundational to understanding both IPv4 and IPv6 IP addresses, computer MAC addresses, and even checksum hash values such as MD-5.  It is necessary to not only understand how they are used, but how to convert between the different number systems so that we can understand the concept of "subnetting" which is a key component of how computers on a network communicate.  Without subnetting, using a limited pool of IPv4 addresses was very inefficient back in the day.  But using subnetting, we can split up a local area network into "segments" and make IP addressing more efficient.

I often spend at least a few class periods explaining number systems and subnetting, so I wanted to post a quick list of rather good tutorials that go along with the Cisco CCNA curriculum, as I have found these to be quite easy to understand.

Credit goes to DansCourses YouTube Channel for putting together these excellent tutorials.